Domestic Violence destroys societies

Vanujatu Daily Post - Police Column Jan 16, 2016

Domestic violence is a bad practice happening today in our societies.

Domestic violence is when someone assaulted another person, resulting in injuries and often death.

Consequences of Domestic Violence can affect children, mothers, father and the future generation because its memory remains with the victims for a very long time.

Domestic Violence can destroy the society so we have to join hands together to save the life of another family member by saying no to domestic violence.

There are many types of domestic violence but there are four main types happening in our communities in Vanuatu.

They are physical, emotional, financial and sexual violence which are very common in our societies.

  • Physical Violence is when someone punches, slaps, kicks, or uses a weapon that can cause injury on another person.
  • Emotional Violence is when someone calls another person by an animal’s name or uses other words against them to hurt their feeling. It also includes the act of falsely blaming other person over something, threatening, and using sign language to threaten another person.
  • Financial violence is the act of taking full control over money belonging to another person or stealing money from another person.
  • Sexual Violence involves forcing someone for sex without their consent. It involves assaulting someone and forces them for sexual purposes. Family members and children are some of the main victims of sexual violence.

The police is reminding the general public that the four types domestic violence are happening today and leading to broken homes and families. There are cases where victims have lost their lives.

Domestic violence is against our laws and police will support the victims affected by domestic violence in order to reduce domestic violence.

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