Vanuatu Police Maritime wing hemi tekem part long first ever Tuna Day we Vanuatu hemi celebratem long 2nd May 2017.
Follem ol recent speculation lo social media especially lo Yumi Toktok Stret face book group abaut post blo Mr Lennox Vuti se Police ino bin turnout follem request blo assistance blo hem, Polis hemi wantem clarifiem ol misunderstanding we istap.
VPF is giving awareness and information to drivers that this coming Friday the Catholique church will contact a road Parade in commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus from Momarte to cathedral church in Vila Town.
It is that time of the year when most people will be travelling to all directions of the islands either for purposes of Easter camp, worship, holiday or to check on their relatives and friends as part of the Easter holidays.